Friday, October 2, 2009

How to Turn $1 into $138? Give it to a Non-Profit

Non-profits provide great benefit to our communities and this study by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy quantifies their impact. The comprehensive study of 15 Minnesota non-profits shows that for every dollar that foundations invest in the organizing and advocacy work of non-profits, there is a return on investment of $138 for communities.

The report went on to say that grantmakers can achieve the greatest return on investments by following these recommendations:
  1. Increase the percentage of grant dollars devoted to advocacy, community organizing and civic engagement.
  2. Engage board members and donors in dialogue about how advocacy and organizing can help a grantmaking institution achieve its long-term goals.
  3. Strengthen peer learning and strategizing about advocacy and organizing.
  4. Engage nonprofit partners in strategic planning and grantmaking process of foundations.
  5. Apply a racial equity lens to grantmaking.
  6. Provide general operating support and multiyear grants.
These are all important recommendations, but having foundations pay attention to number six would make a huge difference for non-profits who struggle to fund their operating expenses every year. Let's hope that the message is heard by foundations across the state.

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